Yev with M75 and RK96

Royal Kludge M75 vs RK96 in-depth comparison, Typing or Gaming?

As we delve deeper into the digital era, having the optimal tools for a seamless home office experience becomes paramount. Often overlooked but essential, keyboards are the unsung heroes of our daily tasks. Today, we pit the M75 against the RK96, two stellar contenders in the keyboard market. Let’s dissect their features to help you pinpoint which one is tailor-made for your desk.

Design & Structure: More than Meets the Eye

When choosing a keyboard, its external aesthetics often capture our attention first. But to truly appreciate a keyboard’s worth, one must understand its inner mechanics. The design and structure of a keyboard directly influence its durability, feel, and performance.


  • Gasket-Mounted Brilliance: The M75 employs a unique gasket-mounted design, which might sound technical but has a straightforward premise. By placing a gasket material between the plate (where the switches sit) and the keyboard housing on both the top and bottom sides, M75 achieves a typing experience that’s less harsh on the fingers. This design not only absorbs some of the impact, reducing the bottom-out force, but also creates a muted sound profile that’s much appreciated in shared or quiet spaces.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond its functional benefits, the M75 boasts a clean and sleek design, making it an elegant addition to any home office setup. It reflects a minimalist approach while not compromising on performance.


  • Plate-Mounted Durability: The RK96 goes the plate-mounted route. This design choice ensures that the switches are firmly secured to a metal or plastic plate, providing a robust and sturdy feel. While this makes the RK96 less cushioned compared to gasket-mounted keyboards, it offers a more direct, snappy response with each keypress – a quality many gamers and typists appreciate.

  • Stabilizer Excellence: The inclusion of a PCB-mount stabilizer is no small feat. It helps the larger keys, like the spacebar and enter key, maintain stability, ensuring they don’t wobble or produce uneven sound when pressed. For anyone who’s ever been irked by a shaky spacebar, this feature is a godsend.

Wrap Up

While both the M75 and RK96 come with their distinct design features, understanding their internal structure can help potential users make an informed choice. Whether you’re seeking the cushioned elegance of the M75’s gasket-mount or the resilient performance of the RK96’s plate-mount, knowing the nuances will ensure you find the perfect keyboard companion for your home office.

Royal Kludge RK96 Keyboard - Yellow Switches

Switch Type: The Heart of a Keyboard

The heart of every mechanical keyboard lies in its switches. Much like how different engines give cars unique driving experiences, keyboard switches can dictate the feel, sound, and responsiveness of your typing or gaming sessions.

M75 with Brown Switches:

  • Tactile Response: Brown switches are renowned in the keyboard community for their tactile bump. This bump provides feedback to the typist, letting them know the key has been actuated without the need to bottom out. For those who type a lot or are coming from membrane keyboards, browns offer a gentle introduction to the world of mechanical keyboards.

  • Quiet Performance: Unlike clicky switches that produce an audible click with each press, brown switches are relatively quiet. They strike a balance between tactile feedback and noise level, making them ideal for shared workspaces or late-night typing sessions where silence is golden.

RK96 with Yellow Switches:

  • Linear Action: Yellow switches belong to the linear category, meaning they have a smooth keystroke without any tactile bump or audible click. Gamers often prefer linear switches because of the uninterrupted keypress motion, allowing for rapid actuations which can be crucial in fast-paced games.

  • Speed and Consistency: Yellow switches are characterized by their consistent force throughout the keypress. This can lead to faster typing speeds once you get used to them. However, for those new to linear switches, it might take some time to adjust, especially if you’re prone to bottoming out keys.

Wrap Up

At the end of the day, switch preference is highly personal. While the M75’s brown switches might be the darling of prolific writers or those who favor tactile feedback, the RK96’s yellow switches could be the secret weapon for gamers or those who love a smooth, consistent keypress. When choosing a keyboard, it’s essential to consider the type of tasks you’ll be doing most frequently and select a switch that complements those activities.

RK ROYAL KLUDGE M75 Mechanical Keyboard

Typing vs. Gaming: The Eternal Duel

Mechanical keyboards, in their modern glory, often find themselves at the center of a tug-of-war between two major camps: typists and gamers. Each group has specific needs that they prioritize, and understanding these needs can make all the difference when deciding on the ideal keyboard.

M75: A Typist’s Delight with Brown Switches:

  • Touch Typing: Typing is not just about pressing keys; it’s an art form for many. Touch typists, who type without constantly looking at the keyboard, appreciate the tactile feedback from brown switches. The distinct bump mid-press tells them the key has registered, reducing typing fatigue and increasing speed.

  • Reduced Noise: Blog writers, journalists, and authors often find themselves typing away in the wee hours, and the last thing they need is a clicky switch disturbing their flow or waking up the household. Brown switches offer a more silent operation compared to its clicky counterparts, making the M75 an excellent companion for lengthy writing sessions.

RK96: A Gamer’s Dream with Yellow Switches:

  • Rapid Keypresses: In the high-octane world of gaming, milliseconds can mean the difference between victory and defeat. The linear action of yellow switches means there’s no tactile bump to slow down a keypress, allowing for faster actuations.

  • Consistent Force: With the absence of a tactile bump, gamers can count on a predictable and uniform keypress every time with yellow switches. In games where quick and repeated key presses are the norm, this consistency can give players a competitive edge.


Both typing and gaming have distinct requirements when it comes to mechanical keyboards. The M75, with its tactile brown switches, caters beautifully to the nuanced needs of dedicated typists. In contrast, the RK96 and its yellow switches are ready to face the rigorous demands of hardcore gaming. Regardless of which camp you belong to, understanding these differences ensures you’re equipped with the right tool for the job.

Royal Kludge RK96 Keyboard - Front View

The Verdict

In the world of mechanical keyboards, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Each keyboard is designed with specific functionalities in mind, and the M75 and RK96 are no exceptions. Let’s distill down what we’ve learned about these two keyboard titans:

M75 with Brown Switches: The Typist’s Best Friend:

  • Tactile Satisfaction: The brown switches are renowned for their tactile feedback, giving typists a clear indication of key actuation. It’s like having a mini confirmation with every keypress.

  • Noise Levels: If you’re sharing your home office space or just enjoy a quieter typing experience, the M75 has got your back. The Brown switches cut down on the audible clicks, ensuring a disturbance-free environment.

  • Ergonomic Design with Gasket Mount: The unique gasket-mounted structure offers a cushioned typing feel, reducing finger fatigue during those long blog writing sessions for

RK96 with Yellow Switches: The Gamer’s Secret Weapon:

  • Speed is Key: Gamers need quick actuation for rapid in-game reactions. Yellow switches provide a linear response with no tactile bump, making them faster and more direct.

  • Stability: The RK96’s PCB-mount stabilizer ensures that even the largest keys remain wobble-free, a crucial feature for gamers who need precision and consistency.

  • Durable Build with Plate Mount: The plate-mounted design of the RK96 ensures robustness and longevity, ready to handle the intense gaming marathons.

So, Which One is For You?

If you find yourself typing more – crafting blog posts, writing emails, or perhaps drafting the next bestselling novel – the M75 might be your ideal companion. But if gaming is your jam, the RK96 could be the edge you need to up your game.

However, always remember: preference is personal. Some typists might prefer the quick action of a gaming keyboard, and some gamers might enjoy the tactile feedback of a typing keyboard. It’s all about what feels right under your fingertips.

Let’s Talk Keyboards!

Have you had a chance to type away on the M75 or RK96? Maybe you’re a proud owner of both? Dive into the comments and share your keyboard tales. Let’s keep the conversation clicking!


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You have 3 options for M75 and 2 options for RK96

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