Gaming Mechanical Keyboards Performance Testing

In this section of my web blog, I want to keep the results of my performance testing of the gaming mechanical keyboard that I conducted on my YouTube channel @GetSmartHomeOffice.

Types of Performance Testing

I have several practical performance testing metrics:

Accuracy Test: This is used in games where stopping movement is crucial for accuracy, such as in Valorant.

Keyboard Inspector Test: This test identifies the polling rate of the keyboard, which can be 125Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz, 8000Hz, or another specified rate.

Notepad Test: This measures the actual delay in milliseconds between the physical start of a key press and the visual response on the screen.

Gaming Test: This measures the actual delay in milliseconds between the physical start of a keypress and the visual response on the screen while playing a game.

Test Results

#NamePolling Rate TestFrame Delays
Frame Delays
RT and AP
Accuracy Change
Link to the Test Page
1ATK68 V28000Hz16-24ms16-24msSignificantATK68 V2
2Womier M68 HE V28000Hz16-24ms16-24msSignificantM68 HE V2
3NANO 68 HE Pro8000Hz<8ms<8msSignificantNANO 68 HE Pro

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