ATK68 V2 Test Results

ATK68HE V2 Pro

Keyboard Specifications


ATK68 V2







Declared Polling Rate


I reviewed this ATK68 V2 keyboard on my channel, and you can check it out. Overall, I would say it’s a promising keyboard in terms of performance and is well-built with quality materials and structure.

Test Results

Keyboard Inspector Test: This test identifies the polling rate of the keyboard, which can be 125Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz, 8000Hz, or another specified rate.

ATK68HEPro Keyboard Inspector Results
ATK68HEPro Keyboard Inspector Results

As you can see on the charts, the 8000Hz performance of the ATK68HE V2 mechanical keyboard is clear.

Notepad Test: This measures the actual delay in milliseconds between the physical start of a key press and the visual response on the screen.

ATK68HEPro Deley A
ATK68HEPro Deley A

Based on my testing I can see 2-3 frames between the press of the key and reaction on the screen. This delay is equal to 16-24 ms.

Gaming Test: This measures the actual delay in milliseconds between the physical start of a keypress and the visual response on the screen while playing a game.

ATK68HEPro Deley B
ATK68HEPro Deley B

Based on my testing I can see 2-3 frames between the press of the key and reaction on the screen. This delay is equal to 16-24 ms.

Accuracy Test: This is used in games where stopping movement is crucial for accuracy, such as in Valorant.

ATK68HEPro Delay C
ATK68HEPro Delay C

As you can see, we have a huge difference between Actuation Point and Rapid Trigger settings – the smaller the numbers, the better the result.

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